Sunday, June 15, 2014


After hearing Neil Gaiman's recounting of strangulation in the Studio 360 interview on Jun 13 I'm reminded of the time I fainted while giving blood (I actually haven't given blood since then which may or may not be related to this experience, I'd like to believe it's not related and that I'm simply more squeamish than I thought... I really need to develop a proper habit of donating).
I mostly remember the process and completing the withdrawal. And then they applied the iodine. Now iodine (concentrated anyway) is a decent antiseptic and has a powerful odour. I remember it from my first blood donation and don't recall it being as strong as this. Perhaps my consciousness was already retreating from the rest of my senses back to the more primitive ones because the next thing I remember is floating up out of pitch black. Noise, and a very distinct, quite 'real' sensation of exerting direct and conscious control over each muscle in my body, one at a time. Before finally grasping the words in the noise I'd been hearing and then opening my eyes upon full living experience. There was no intervening out of body or light or anything of that nature. A Mystic might call this mundane but I felt it, remember it, as profound.

It's interesting to note that at the time it felt like I was directly experiencing each of my individual muscles but with greater experience (I was maybe 15 when that happened) and reflection I realize that I was only 'feeling' major muscle groups. The limbs mostly, and some parts of the trunk.

The root cause is, clearly, that I lost too much blood too fast and my body was unable to maintain enough flow to my brain. But I was in the same mostly-reclined position the entire time and it didn't happen until they'd already removed the needle and were cleaning up. Which makes that explanation a bit awkward. I suspect it's very much related to the subject of the next sentence though.

I've passed out since then due to a mostly-minor heart condition. The above surreal, more-than-real experience has not repeated itself (though like many I can massage my brain into experiencing induce mystical experience). The last time I fainted (it's only happened twice, I'm not some Victorian Lady.. :P ) I only remember coming to as being incredibly cold as though I'd just been dug from an avalanche and no amount of hot soup was ever going to make me warm again. Of course, that too passed. The mind is great at filming over the scary parts of life when given enough time.

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