So, it works much better in IE. To my great disappointment. It looks like Coffeescript is rather better/more fully implemented. Since they say it's mostly written in Coffeescript that stands to reason. What doesn't stand to reason is that even the CS implementation has bugs, or at least one level/possibly game, breaking bug. You can't attack in a loop. Though to be complete I don't think I tried attacking and something else in the same loop, but the level startup script contained a comment that attacking in a loop was currently broken. Anyway. That worked in Python, but it seems a bit silly to expect someone to work an entirely different syntax just to winkle their way past a few levels here and there.
Oh, and they're looking to hire a level designer which for a 'game' like this would be a very particular set of skills. Suggests that they're doing pretty well too. Though, having a good handful of languages implemented (mostly and partially) is generally pretty good.
Having escaped the dungeon it's time to explore the countryside. Onward!
Edit: Correction. There are a ton of bugs in IE as well. For an extremely frustrating example the second level in the forest area requires the leather boots. Only I couldn't buy them because the price was 'undefined.' Which may only be a minor data error but it stymied my progress until I decided to try buying the next upgrade of boots (reinforced or something) which I thankfully already had the gems for. Equally thankfully the game only checks that you have the required methods available on your equipped gear (in this case the moveXY method) rather than checking the gear itself. So that was at least thoughtfully implemented.
And then, of course, I don't know how many times I'd gone in and out of the level in the forest before it the second level stayed unlocked without a refresh. Here's the scenario: Enter level 2. Fiddle with it some and get frustrated at the bugs. Close IE to try it in Chrome. Get sick of it there, and go back to IE. Level 2 is closed. ?!? Hit refresh. Level 2 is back. !?!
Maybe the page is cache-enabled when it shouldn't be? But Chrome didn't have that particular problem. It has different problems. Cumulatively it's getting to be enough to put me right off the game.
Oh, and apparently you can put @attack in a loop in Coffeescript as long as there's some other statement with it. So... yeah.
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