Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What happens...

What happens to time to make it a large dimension?
What are branes? What happens if we consider them as aggregates of strings? How does that interact with the 0-brane?

If we consider time and space, in other words dimensionality in general, as constructed of strings then what is the 'background' or backdrop in which they exist? That's much like asking what a quark is without a String Theory to describe it. We haven't pushed back that far yet. Take the description of dimensionality, spacetime, and use that to probe deeper. Imagining that branes, dimensionality beyond the single dimensional string, are composed of strings is much more satisfying than accepting them as some additional elementary constituent that arises from nothing and nowhere.

On holography... if the holographic universe is a valid theory, and the pair of 3branes bound by a single dimension is a valid theory of creation then the universe as we know it, regular matter, is a tiny almond within a giant shell. And still it would seem to be that the brane is unreachable to us, exiting in a different mode than we do.

Enough half-informed physical ponderings. I've work to get ready for.

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