Friday, December 5, 2008

Vivian's two websites
jewelry and baking

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Random is good stuff. I've got some notes there that I need to transcribe here. Leaving myself voicemail online is neat, even if I do have to copy it afterward.

Though I wonder what their business model looks like. It's got to be disgusting storage and bandwidth requirementes. I wonder what I can do with the API...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Plea

I see your hatred
I see your anger
I know who you are
And I know why you hurt

But I cannot help you

I cannot touch you
Without you touching me

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Don't go changing people's stuff!

Point to note: When I do an upgrade, I will not change people's stuff.
I just upgraded from Opera 9.[something or other] to 9.52 and my whole theme was trashed. Buttons I had deleted were added back in (like that stupid new page button on the tab bar, isn't that what mouse gestures are for??), even bars I had disabled popped back up, not to mention the entire flipping skin changed to some ugly dark grey tabs and stars and such. Take note, go look back up top, THIS WAS A POINT UPGRADE. Not a major version. I don't even think it was a minor version upgrade, I'm pretty sure I was on 9.5 already, though I don't think I quite understand thier version numbering. Either way, this shouldn't have been ANYWHERE NEAR this traumatic.

Yes, it only took 10 minutes or so to get it mostly straightened out. I think. That's not the point. An app like Opera HAS to pride itself on customization (or why bother ditching IE in the first place? Okay okay, Firefox then) but when every upgrade (they've done this before a couple times) trashes those customizations, which were probably made long enough ago that you've forgotten exactly what you did in the first place, then what's the bloody point? And don't mistake, you CAN'T let your browser goout of date for very long. People keep trying to add crud to the HTML spec so you can't trust that new content will work properly unless you're up to date.

So in short, Opera, Don't Do That. It's BAD (tm). No cookie.

PS, I still think the Opera browser is the absolute best available, it's just thier update procedures that need some work. And a few relatively minor compatibility niggles that I rarely run in to. MUCH better than when I first started using it, BACK IN THE LAST CENTURY when it was still trial-ware and streamed ads to my browser window. So, yeah, not switching to anything else, but damn that's aggravating.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Thoughts on the nature of God

Edit: Yeah, apparently this is wrong. But I leave it up so I'll remember later that it's wrong. I should probably give up on this sort of contemplation but I know I won't.

I was considering the nature of God's omniscience, time, human free will, and the idea that God always responds to holy prayers (not selfish ones obviously).

The thought came to mind that perhaps God exists in all times at once. To clarify, instead of viewing the world like a movie He's already seen (which greatly complicates the idea of Him ever acting on the plot of said movie by requiring the ability to see beyond the present as experienced by humans, which is vastly complicated by the assumption of an infinity of possible futures based on present actions; not to mention making the idea of human agency altogether rather dubious) He instead views it entirely at once, as though laid out on the director's storyboard. If He chooses to create a worldwide flood He can watch the entire storyboard change at once see all hte repercussions thereof. If someone prays for healing and it fits His plans or whatever criteria He uses such that He grants the prayer then He can instantly see every change that makes further down the timeline, both the effect on the physical world of that person continuing to live and the effect on human agency in the world as a result of that person getting well.

In short, God exists out of time in this context. He has no need of fast forward and rewind to see the possible outcomes or adjust a decision. Following that idea then, reality would become something rather like a puzzle. Such a viewpoint would say nothing about the consequences and value of 'solving' the puzzle (or obtaining a best case result). And anyway, I've rambled enough about it. I should have put this down days ago when I first thought it out, but my internet's been down at home and I kept forgetting.

Accountability agent emails

Note for accountability agent's email:
Quote 2THS 3:14-15, Paul's comments on idle believers. It lays out a good biblical tone for the agent to set with their reminders.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Online bible reading resources

A searchable online bible, possibly suitable for linking into the InaYear project

Another bible-in-a-year site. looks like there's a couple plans available here. might be worth a look at. One of which is chronological (so presumably quite out of order by page number, and possibly an interesting read). doesn't look like an actual app though

from the earlier post, this has a multiple track reading plan. when i glanced at it it had me reading from John, Malachi and Proverbs (or Psalms, I forget) at the same time. It's another plan to consider working with.

here's an interesting reading plan that bounces around daily, but not within a single day. probably want to add this one too

here's an app that looks like it emails the readings each day. competition! :) several reading plans, including partial readings (OT, Psalms, etc)

lots of plans of varying lengths and commitments

aah, looks like more competition. emails and such. deserving of a deeper look

'choosing a reading plan', from of all places. links to what purports to be the 'top 5 unique plans'
here's the 'top 5' link

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Read a bible

project concept and initial spec:
read your bible in a year website.
create an account
begin a reading
set beginning point and reading plan (initially just the one i've been using will be available)
define reminder schedule and channels
define optional accountability agent.
possibly define threshold for accountability, code for this but maybe not expose it to user

track readings in account center. email reminders to include 'read it' links to mark off each passage read.
allow reading of arbitrary number of passages, but only sequentially.
allow to 'reset' the reading, adjusting the proposed end date based on current amount read.
accountability data - flag to store whether agent contacted. reset flag when a reading is checked.
when reading plan is completed, total up days taken to read.
also note the translation used.

store all readings for historical amusement. track number of times accountability agent was contacted.

future improvements to possibly include text of passages to read.
data requirements- Bible 'map'. Books, chapters per book, verses per chapter. verse probably uneccessary but it can't hurt.

track readings using a bit vector for storgage efficiency. might be processor inefficient, will have to see.

for future enhancements, prayer request subsystem.

note: I'd better review this: before I spend much time on this one. I figured it'd been done before, but i'm not entirely sure what this one is doing. if nothing else i can aim to improve on what it's doing by building community infrastucture around it.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Separation of [church|religion] and [state|politics]

Separation of church and state differs from separation of religion and politics in that the former is the structured representation or institution of the latter.

What that means in particular is a little vague. I insist on the former, but the latter is awfully fuzzy and ambiguous.

Friday, August 8, 2008


Blizzard are Satan.

Okay, that's an exaggeration. But they really ought not destroy lives so thoroughly. World of Warcraft deserves its acronym, and is every bit as enthralling as its reputation. And I'm never touching it again. I think the only reason it's been relatively easy for me to drop and delete the game from my computers is because I only got the trial, and I don't have the money to pay for it.

And the pirate servers seem to be generally broken and much less compelling once you've tasted the proper, working version.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Couple random thoughts

Age is often reckoned as wisdom. I take issue with that. I would say, age can give you experience (though it's hardly guaranteed and depends in large part on how you use your time, which I'll leave out of this potpourri post). Experience isn't wisdom in itself. It becomes wisdom when you hold your experiences up to Jesus and se what He has to say on the matter. The Word is wisdom, all else is merely experience.

God gives and takes away, amen. He took something from me a while back and I can give him nothing but praise for it. He took away the pleasure of a particular sin. I asked him to help, and he moved in great (and unexpected!) ways. Praise god for my deliverance from sin.

Also, I don't know what to tag this with, other than philosophy. So that'll have to do.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sponsoring Compassion

Yesterday (technically the day before yesterday now, but let's not quibble) I sponsored a child in Bolivia. One of six children in her family, living with her mother and father in poverty. I can only pray that I live up to the hope she needs.

Oh, since someone might be reading this (I flatter myself more than is healthy), visit

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

BSA compliance sucks

Note: I will never get involved in BSA compliance projects. Ever again.

Now I just need to write a program to scribble that on a blackboard until the bell rings.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


By the way, Lisp is fantabulous.
I'm on all of page 44 in ISBN:0-13-370875-6 and seriously digging it.


transcribed from livejournal, originally posted: 20 September 2006 @ 07:03 am

So, being kicked about by this post
I'm going to have to start keeping a list of the little niggles in my life so that I can yank them into shape. Maybe I'll shoot for fixing one a month.


transcribed from livejournal, originally posted: 05 September 2006 @ 03:19 pm

Hmph. Character flaw: I always throw away my past.

Digging through memories

transcribed from livejournal, originally posted: 05 September 2006 @ 08:30 am

So I'm digging through some old papers of mine and keep coming across random dribblings. None of them great. I suppose I'll prop them up here just to keep them around.
And here's the first condidate.


What exists within each of these shells,
A soul,
A mind,
A person.
Secreted away beneath our skins,
Hidden from prying eyes,
Our souls shine,
Our minds burn,
We glow with an eternal light.
The skin provides the balance for our unfettered souls,
The shadow to eat our light,
The shade to block out the sun,
The blanket to smother the child.

Feeeelings.... etc etc

transcribed from livejournal, originally posted: 23 May 2006 @ 10:18 pm
Odd feeling. I'm not sure whether to like it or hate it.
I'm listening to Blue October and it's makeing me bizarrely contemplatively depressed (I need 2 mood tags in here!). Or, at any rate, that's the best way I can describe it.
I'm familiar with the song's mood. Been there, yada yada. But, if there were something I could somehow impress upon the narrator I'd say simply, the only time you have no worth is when you believe it. And that doesn't say enough, because it leaves out all the good stuff that I can't express.

So I'm sitting here feeling the echoes of past emotion, angst, worthlessness, etc, and thinking about how wrong they all are. While seeing in my mind's eye (ech, cliche) this mirror of myself crying through the radio. Hence, odd feeling. Maybe it happens to everyone as they grow older. This is all new to me though. Maybe I just haven't gotten enough sleep lately.

And tangentially, I'm internally chastising myself for half-reveling in the echoes of emotion past, telling myself that my present circumstances leave no room for such ideas. Because after all, how can I raise a child to believe in themself if I can't do the same? Confused and tangled tonight, which is probably why I'm here to try and make sense of it.

Current Mood: angst hope
Current Music: Blue October "Hate me"


transcribed from livejournal, originally posted: 23 March 2006 @ 07:59 am


Pine trees in the moon
Each needle distinctly seen
Onyx in pure cream

-Written some time ago on my Treo and only now transcribed to LJ. This is probably a safer place for it anyway.

not enough sleep

Transcribed from livejournal, originally posted: 27 October 2005 @ 04:36 am

So. I have to put this down.

Bitter sweet regrets
Goodbye to all the friends I never had,
to all the times we never spent.
Goodbye to the nostalgia I'll never feel,
I didn't need you anyway.

Random metaphysics

At one point I though of a great fancy logical argument about universal determinism, and now I've forgotten it. Which is exactly what this blog is for. Damn my memory. If I ever remember it again I'll be sure to post it to myself. Something to do with the state of matter at the big bang and quantum randomness and God...

Isn't it funny

As Southern Baptists we pile our shame and guilt upon Jesus, who is faultless, as burdens. Day by day adding more to his torment (past tense, of course but I digress). And he takes it all, accepts it as service to you. Personally serving you out of love by taking those burdens off your soul. Nevermind that it lets you into heaven, it is an unmistakable blessing even in this life. And all it takes is a simple confession and a little faith? May I never forget this simple idea. May I remember it when sin knocks on my soul asking to be let in.

Dear Readers

Dear Readers,
I haven't got any of you now, and I don't expect to have any of you later. Nor do I expect to keep any of you for long if I do happen to get any. The purpose of this post is simple. I intend to lay out my purpose for this blog, and warn any of you reading it.

My purpose is simple. I'm recording ideas and thoughts. Maybe a bit of poetry. Or recipes and other random bricabrac. If you have anything to say about my posts, go right ahead. But don't expect me to read it. Or care about it. Not to put you off reading, by all means go ahead. And feel free to air out your opinion. Just, you know, keep in mind that I probably don't have time to discuss it. 3 kids will do that to a person.