Saturday, July 15, 2017

I've been asked for a list of my podcasts

Sadly I don't get to listen to as many as I'd like and most of the episodes go un-heard. If you're curious, I use an Android app called Beyondpod to manage subscriptions and the playlist (the Smartplay feature is extremely useful). The names below are whatever is listed in Beyondpod's feed list and may not be exactly the same as what you might find while searching. It'll be close enough to get you there though. It's also important to note that I don't groom this list very often. I'm pretty sure that some of what I'm subscribed to has gone defunct, but I frankly can't be bothered to prune the list.

Without further preamble here they are in no particular order.

  • NPR Hourly News Summary
  • Planet Money
  • StarTalk Radio
  • Science Friday Audio Podcast
  • APM: Marketplace
  • Up First
  • APM: Marketplace Tech
  • TED Radio Hour
  • Snap Judgement
  • Hanselminutes
  • On Being
  • Freakonomics Radio
  • Note to Self
  • LeVar Burton Reads
  • Hidden Brain
  • The Infinite Monkey Cage
  • Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!
  • The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe
  • CodeNewbie
  • Skepticality
  • American Museum of Natural History Podcast
  • Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates
  • Undiscovered
  • Astronomy Cast
  • Only Human
  • The Adaptors

These are some new ones I've added but haven't formed an opinion on. I reserve the right to can them later, but they looked worth investigating.

  • The Titanium Physicists Podcast
  • Ask a Spaceman!
  • KQED Science News
  • Hubblecast HD
  • Physics World Science Podcast

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