I still have a ton of proto-posts to get done. Nevertheless, bit of an update.
Half the GOOG iron condor closed. I've split all my exits now (well, most of them; it turns out it didn't make sense to split some of them) so that I can close one or the other spread on a stock swing without worrying about closing them all at once.
I have no idea why I didn't think of that (or remember it? whatever). A good friend of mine had to point it out to me.
So my first TWTR spread closed over a 2 day period as well. One side closed on the 4th and the other on the 6th. For a total profit of $29.04, including all commission costs. Took 10 days to close it. So I risked $115 to make $29 in 10 days. Not too shabby? I've responded by opening a MAR iron condor in the same. IV rank &etc are good for March too.
I have an iron condor on SINA that's half closed too. I need to look at that one again because...
I've learned that re-opening these closed sides makes good sense. My GOOG call spread (that I mentioned above) closed for a tidy 25% profit on risk (it's an untidy calculation, I can discuss it in detail later). That left the put spread still hanging out (untested, if you're curious) and tying up capital. Since I happen to like efficiency, and I caught the idea on Tastytrade at an opportune moment, I hacked up my spreadsheet to run some numbers. And of course it works wonderfully to sell another call spread across from the puts. I've re-opened the call position for less credit than initially (time decay) and at closer in prices (the stock has fallen and I'm now 80% OTM instead of 66% at 1 strike lower!) collecting a nice $80. So now even if The GOOG tests those puts I have more room to maneuver without losing money. To use harder numbers, my initial buying power effect was $190 but with the additional $80 that's effectively $110. Plus it's got the same expiration so one way or another the $80 will settle 15 days. I'm a happy trader.
Coming back to SINA... My puts there are tested. And while I have plenty of time to wait it makes me uncomfortable. However there's a nice call spread at 78% OTM that'll give me $0.42 to mitigate losses with.
You know, the more I do this the better I like it.
TL;DR: Stand back. I'm learning, and I need my elbow room.
Edit: The GOOG puts closed now. >.> I'm just going to let it die, I don't feel like playing that kind of game for too long. The SINA call spread order is in. If it doesn't fill today I'll try again tomorrow.
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